CANCER Is Not The Disease

Facebook comment from Karen Weldes Fry
Upon diagnosis, I immediately STOPPED all white substances – sugar, flour, rice, etc. I went cold turkey off coffee and replaced with tea (coffee is very acidic). I only ate Whole Foods – no meat – and it was all organic. I made sure I took at least 2 TBS of Briggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar each day. In less than a month, my immune system was totally reset to its highest level, like a newborn baby. I did opt for a mastectomy because I had 10 tumors in my left breast. However, I vehemently said NO to the highly recommended 4 months of Chemo, including the one that is known as the “Red Devil- Red Death” in chemo bays. And I absolutely said NO to 10 freakin years of Tamoxifen. Western Medicine has its place, but not when it comes to cancer treatment. It’s not the cancer killing people- it’s the Treatment.
Every person has within them the Infinite Intelligence to know what is and what isn’t there’s to do when it comes to their own bodies. I do NOT look to anyone outside of myself to make that decision. I listen to what is within. One of the key books for me throughout my journey is this one [see below].
I was cancer free in less than a month. Going on 4.5 years and continuing for the rest of my life.

Greg Anderson was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1984 and given only thirty days to live. He is founder and chairman of the Cancer Recovery Foundation International group of charities and today is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading wellness authorities.